David E. Gall, AIA, Principal Architect
David E. Gall, Architect, PA
938 West Fifth Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
(336) 773-1213
(336)773-1298 fax

Bachelor of Architecture with University Honors, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1978
Happily married to Vickie Bovender Gall, RN, and blessed with four children: Elissa, Christopher, Rebecca, and Jonathan.
I am grateful for the help of my mentors and previous employers:
Joseph William and Elizabeth Gall, my parents
Barbara Matyas, my maternal grandmother
Elvera Adamson
Florence Allsworth
Isla Baker
Richard Butcosk
Janet Lane Carnathan
Kelly Carpenter
James Dillon
Greg Dovey
William Hall
Delbert Highlands
Ed Hovis
Thomas Hughes
John Hull
John M. Kostecky
Ray Kuhn
Arne Larson
John Larson
Max Mayo
Allan B. Mitchell
Rutherford Moorman
Michael Newman
Harold Noelker
Charles Phillips
Joe Oppermann
Dick Shreiner
Robert S. Taylor
William Watkins